The Event
Francisco Javier Lafuente
Vicerector of Innovation & Strategic Projects of UAB
Arcadi Navarro
Secretary of Universities and Research of GenCat
Carmen Vela
Secretary of State of Investigation, Development & Innovation of MINECO
Ramon Miquel
Director of IFAE
Hitoshi Murayama
UC Berkeley & Kavli IPMU
Ramon Pascual
Alba Synchrotron
Enrique Fernández
Director founder of IFAE
Matteo Cavalli-Sforza
Former director of IFAE
Manel Martínez
Scientific director of IFAE’s Severo Ochoa award
Gaelle Boix
Egon Zehnder (Geneva, Switzerland)
Pere Comas
Deutsche Bank (Barcelona, Spain)
Francesc Ferrer
Washington University (St. Louis, USA)
Vicens Gaitan
Grupo AIA (St. Cugat del Vallès, Spain)
Lluís Miralles
CERN (Geneva, Switzerland)
Federico Nova
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Didcot, UK)
Anna Pascual
Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí (Sabadell, Spain)
Antonella Succurro
CEPLAS, University of Cologne (Cologne, Germany)
Thomas Schweizer
Max Planck Institute for Physics (Munich, Germany)
Frederic Teubert
Andreu Mas-Colell
President of the Board of Trustees of BIST